Featured Work
Traditional Art
Pictured: Check out my Instagram for more.
- Painting
- Drawing & Illustration
- Mixed Media
- Rendering
Visual Design
Pictured: App and grassroot movement to promote altruism, empathy, and collaboration within the design field.
- JavaScript
- UI Wireframing
- Design Thinking
Architectural & Industrial Model
Interested in the intersection of biomimicry and creating intentional space (sacral and housing architecture). Pictured: Contemporary House with Classical Elements, inspired by Frank Gehry's extension at Gehry Residence.
- Rendering
- SketchUp
- CAD (basic)
- Foam Board Modeling
Data Visualization
Pictured: COVID-19 Dashboard using an inner join in Tableau.
- Basic Python (numPy, MatPlotLib, Pandas)
- Tableau
Pictured: Human-Centric Video Processing for Reducing Net Latency in Video Streaming.
Some are *CONFIDENTIAL* so please email for password.
- Human-Centric Video Processing for Reducing Net Latency in Video Streaming.
- The Effects of Social Media on Altruism
- Identifying Breast Cancer Through Novel Machine Learning Image Processing and Statistical Analysis
About Me
How do I work? First, I identify the objectives and the end goals to conceptualize a plan. I believe in a problem-solution approach because many unsuccessful projects are built upon a solution rather than a detectable problem. I am willing to push my learning boundaries to achieve solving the problem. Whether it is in STEM or the arts, I like to cooperate and empathize with my team and users to ensure the best outcome.
Reach out via the contact form or email!
Email: hmnguyen at pm dot me